Hey everyone! Sims 4 modding classes will be starting on Monday, April 10, 2023. In the classes, I will be showing you everything I know about:
-Making Your own custom content (clothes and furniture )
-Creating functional objects
-Creating custom social events
-Creating custom careers
-Creating custom Aspirations
-Creating other game functions such as buffs, traits etc.
I will be walking you through step by step the entire way so this is best for beginners but also good for people who know something but need help filling in some gaps!
To get access to these classes you need to be a Platinum Cassity Crew member to enter the modding club (10.00 tier). Please only sign up for these classes if this is of REAL interest to you because modding can be rewarding but it is not easy. It will require hard work and patience from you.
You should also know that there are other ways to learn modding that are completely FREE such as Youtube.com and other modding forums such as Sims4Studio and ModtheSims website also has some resources.
I am only going to allow a limited amount of people into this class because I want to be able to give people as much help as possible. I am only putting this out there because people have asked me about learning how to mod.
All tutorials will be made with a Gaming Computer, I do NOT have a MAC so you will have to adjust the tutorials for Mac settings.
xoxo - Cassity Simmer
Sign up for classes here: https://www.patreon.com/CassitySimmer/membership